

Bill C-78 Amendments to the Divorce Act – and Appearance Before Parliamentary Committee

An Interesting Day in Ottawa Yesterday - To Say the Least Having appeared before a Parliamentary Committee yesterday in Ottawa, it remains to be seen whether Bill C-78 will proceed as drafted, or whether changes will be made prior to it’s passage. Joining me yesterday were Professor Nicholas Bala, from [...]

By |November 29th, 2018|Family Law, Lawyers, Legal Profession|

Helping You Get to Your “New Normal” in Divorce

Divorce is hard. It just is.  Even an amicable divorce is a traumatic experience – and where conflict exists, that trauma is magnified.  What “was” no longer “is”, and what tomorrow brings is uncertain and frightening – for both parties. So, then, what do you do? Well, keeping in mind [...]

By |August 30th, 2018|Family Law|
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