More and more clients are finding themselves wishing to resolve issues in dispute, without the expense, delay and stress of pursuing litigation in the Court system. Our office can provide assistance by lawyers trained in areas of alternate dispute resolution, including Mediation and Collaborative Law. Jesse Wilde, and Ryan Anderson are trained in the practice of mediation and collaborative law.


Trained lawyer/mediators who will meet with parties in dispute, with or without the presence of their lawyers
Application of “interest-based” negotiation seeking to identify the interests of the parties in common, and seeking to create solutions based upon those interests identified

Collaborative Law

  • Negotiation, as with mediation, is based upon “interest based” negotiation, where the lawyers meet face to face with their clients in four-way meetings, seeking to find common interests which will allow for solutions based upon those interests as identified;
  • Lawyers are trained in “Collaborative Law” – a dispute resolution system which requires all parties and their lawyers to sign a contact committing them to negotiate in good faith and with mutual respect;
  • Lawyers are hired only to negotiate settlement – if settlement is not reached, by the terms of the contract, the lawyers cannot continue to represent either party if the matter proceeds to litigation;

To assist you with any in pursuing any form of Alternate Dispute Resolution, or to answer any questions in that regard, please contact one of our lawyers who will be happy to provide you any guidance or assistance you may require.

Contact our

Mediation & Collaborative Law Team

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